2 Speedy Ways to do Slugging Skin Care

January 10, 2023
6 minutes

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Are you here for another moment of - did the internet make it up, or is it actually legit? The act of slugging skin care has been around for a while, even recommended by some dermatologists. Social media and the beauty craze have put it on the map. Now let’s debunk this new skincare routine. 

What is slugging skin care? 

Imagine a snail. Isn’t it slimy and sort of cute? That’s how your skin will be when ointing petroleum jelly or Vaseline brand onto your skin overnight - making your skin glassy clear. 

Or at least that’s the remark. Read along to discover more about using petroleum jelly as a method of slugging skin care and learn if slugging is good for acne. 

What is slugging skincare
2 Speedy Ways to do Slugging Skin Care

The misconception of petroleum jelly or Vaseline brand

Is slugging good for acne? Yes and no, because not all skin types are the same. While on one end, it might be a once-in-a-while procedure to moisturize your skin, for others, it will provoke adverse reactions to their skin. 

Let’s lay out all there is on how to slugging skin care.

The benefits of slugging skin care

The utmost reason is to moisturize. 

  1. Moisturize

Harsh weather - think when it’s wintertime, summertime, or sleeping in high temperatures can strip your skin from its hydration. Therefore, occlusive, in this case, Vaseline protects the skin from transepidermal water loss, or TEWL for short is when the skin’s water evaporates.

It retains hydration, filling the epidermis, thickening it, and making it more pliable and elastic.

  1. Protects

The layer of slippery petroleum jelly will prevent irritation or outer-roaming damaging molecules from entering the skin. 

  1. Repairs damage

By moisturizing and protecting the skin, it allows it to repair itself. 

  1. Restores lipids

Part of the repairing comes with the reviving of lipids. Lipids are natural fats from your skin and are crucial to the structure and function of the skin. 

Is slugging good for acne?

If your skin is dry with acne, slugging skin care might improve hydration. However, the tricky part about using petroleum jelly on your skin is that, while it does not clog pores directly, its sealing effect inhibits dead cells or sebum from escaping the skin’s surface properly, creating a pot of contamination. 

Therefore, petroleum jelly could influence acne-prone skin for more breakouts by not allowing the skin oils to escape and causing irritating hair follicles that may stimulate acne. 

What products work well for slugging?

Vaseline gets mentioned quite often, but other occlusive ingredients work for slugging if you think using petroleum jelly is suicide for your skin. 



Mineral oil 

Silicone derivatives



Fatty acids: 

Lanolin acid

Vegetable waxes: 


Slugging Skin Care 

How to slugging? Before heading to bed, make a date with Vaseline. 

  1. Prepare your skin by cleaning it!

Start by doing the same skincare routine of washing out the day’s dirt and commotion. If exfoliating is on the schedule, do so as well. This step is the most important since a clean face will give the best results - without breakouts! 

If you are trying out new products that your skin hasn’t gotten used to - irritating the skin - skip them to avoid distress.

What is slugging skincare
2 Speedy Ways to do Slugging Skin Care
  1. Don’t be shy with the humectant

Let’s not assume that petroleum jelly brews moisture; it only seals it. Thus, after cleaning, apply formulas with hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and aloe vera, to name a few, for top results. 

Consider supplying your skin with humectants and emollients under occlusives. To better understand the difference, view this article that includes a visualization of occlusives, humectants, and emollients. 

  1. Moisturizer

Finish your skincare routine with a good moisturizer. 

  1. Apply petroleum jelly 

It is time for the slug! Get yours from the garden. Kidding, but do have the vaseline close because after you have done your perfected skin care regimen, you should spread a thin layer of petroleum jelly onto your face. 

You don’t need a handful. Rub your hands together to melt it a bit, and proceed by patting it onto your skin until your face is covered. 

skincare slugging, What is slugging skincare, slugging vaseline, slugging for acne prone skin, slugging moisturizer
  1. Wait minutes before bed

Allow the substance to sink in. Meanwhile, prepare your bed to sleep, as it might get messy. Place a towel or an old-uncared-for pillowcase.

  1. Sleep on it 

The best part is going to sleep and letting your skin do its thing.

  1. Wake up to soft, hydrated skin

Begin a new morning by washing your face and enjoying the results of pampering your skin with petroleum jelly. 

While reading the slugging skin care steps, did you think - There’s no way sleeping with vaseline will help

If that is not your cup of tea and you grew up with the notion that putting Vaseline is unacceptable for your skin, then try a speedy method of slugging - that won’t leave a mess. 

Short-contact slugging

Don’t miss out on trying slugging skin care. It’s for a few hours instead of your solid 8 hours of sleep. 

The starting steps are the same as above. 

  1. Wash your face to remove makeup and dirt.
  2. Carry on with your skincare routine; serum, toner, and moisturizer.
  3. Finalize with a slim layer of vaseline.
  4. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes.
  5. Wash off after a few hours before sleeping. 

Having it for a short while, instead of long sleep hours, will not give you the same results, but it is a way to start. 

Is it for all skin types? Warning! 

Discussed above are the consequences of using vaseline on certain skin types. 

You’re out from participating if you have

Oily skin: Your skin has sufficient to abundant lipid layer and does not require assistance. 

Acne-prone: A delicate situation that does not need more in the battle zone. 

Infected skin: If you have open wounds from acne or anything else, slugging will get in the way of clearing or healing. 

If dry skin and acne are our skin type, you may give slugging skin care a try once in a while to help hydrate your skin.  Learn what type of skin do you have.

What’s the conclusion to slim?

Slugging skin care is not for all, but experimenting a bit isn’t a crime. Only remember not to go overboard and to treat your skin with kindness! There is no need to regret something we did to our skin. So take it easy but do try - if you want to see if your skin likes it! 

Practice slugging in two ways; sleeping with it or leaving it on for a few hours before bed - short contact slugging. 

There are different occlusive ingredients you can use to try slugging skin care. And be sure to do it after your regular skincare routine, especially cleaning your face! 

Aside from a slippery experience, consider other changes to enhance your skin's beauty. Because, in a way, the skin, the largest organ of the body, is similar to an infant. It needs nutrients to perk and isn't able to provide for itself. Our actions must reflect what we hope to achieve in our skin.

Eat a healthy diet as much as possible, work out at your own pace, drink a lot of water; teas, and natural juices; and try to have a good time. Stress can break the spirit of living; it is around the air in this new age. 

You matter and are loved, but no one can change for you. 

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