4 Amazing Functions of Skin Repair Creams

October 24, 2022
5 minutes

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Skin repair creams are cosmetic products used to improve the appearance of the skin. If you are considering using a skin repair cream, choosing one suitable for your skin type is essential. You should also consider the ingredients in the cream and whether they are likely to cause any irritation or other problems. Always test a small amount of the cream on a small skin area before using it over a larger area.

Read further to understand one of the most sought cosmetic products. And start implementing it to supply the well-being of your skin. 

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Which skin types can benefit from using skin repair creams? 

If your skin is having a hard time being its best, learn which dysfunction you are having trouble with to address it by incorporating the best face repair solutions into your skincare routine. 

Damaged Skin

Does your skin have the appearance of dryness, flakiness, or redness? 

If this is the case, the layers of your skin are damaged. It is an uncomfortable situation that can invoke negative feelings in your self-esteem. 

But why does this happen? Common causes of damaged skin include.

  • Environmental factors. Wind, sun, and pollution are some causes. 
  • Skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis.
  • Use of harsh skincare products.
  • Aging.

Even though some things are out of your control, a good repair skin cream and face care routine can protect you from unfavorable exposure to toxic elements. Switching formulas to best suit your skin type can also improve irritation or blemishes.  

What are some of the treatments for damaged skin? 

skin treatment in sauna using moisturizer cream 2021 08 29 16 55 54 utc
4 Amazing Functions of Skin Repair Creams

There are a lot of beauty products out there, and every day a new mixture is launched, so what are the most common solutions? Start by exploring the following. 


As the word implies, they aid in hydrating the skin and prevent it from losing its moisture. Some ingredients whose function is to humectant and retain water are hyaluronic acid or glycerin.

What is the difference between hyaluronic acid and glycerin? 

Glycerin or Glycerol is most effective for increasing skin barrier moisture. 

Hyaluronic acid has a water-like texture that benefits the plumping of the skin and minimizes the appearance of aging.

Skin types that are best suited for the use of glycerin

  • Dry skin. 
  • Irritated or sensitive skin. 

Skin types that are best appropriate for the use of hyaluronic acid are

  • Oily to prone to acne skin. 
  • Mature skin (fine lines and wrinkles). 

If you fall under the normal or combination skin, congratulations, you are safe to use both altogether!

Topical treatments

If your skin has symptoms of eczema, which include:

  • Itchiness;
  • Dryness;
  • Sensitive skin;
  • Inflamed, discolored skin;
  • Rough or scaly skin;
  • Areas of swelling;
  • Oozing or crushing. 

Topical treatment can assist in relieving the discomfort of this inflammatory skin condition. Taking action to manage the flares will aid in finding comfort, so consider doing the following. 

  1. Track and know your triggers to avoid further exposure. 
  2. Add a daily bath and moisturizing routine. 
  3. Be constantly using OTC (over-the-counter) creams and prescribed medication.

Some ingredients of topical treatments are

  • Retinoids - It is a form of vitamin A that helps the rapidness of the skin’s healing abilities. It stimulates a quicker shedding of the top layer of dead skin cells. 
  • Corticosteroids - These are a class of drugs that reduce inflammation effectively.  Although, the long-term use of it can have side effects
  • Vitamin C - is considered the most abundant antioxidant in human skin. Its properties neutralize oxidative stress caused by environmental factors through a course of electron transfer and donation.

Light therapy (Phototherapy) 

Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes scaly patches and itchy rashes. It is commonly a long-term (chronic) disease with no cure. This therapy, under medical supervision, exposes the skin to an artificial UV (ultraviolet) light, typically prescribed by a dermatologist to treat this condition.


If all fails, in some severe cases, doctors recommend surgery to improve the appearance of damaged skin. 

Perhaps that is a lot of information, but what about the skin repair cream? Now that we covered the basics of certain damaged skin types. Let’s mention the essential functions of skin repair creams, lotions, and serums.  

Skin Repair Creams 

Before you are on your way to buying a skin repair cream, let’s cover the essential ingredients to be on the lookout for.

Indispensable features of the best skin repair creams

  • Cationic Zinc: Maybe it isn’t an element that comes to mind when looking for skincare products, but it should be. It is a powerful mineral that triggers proteins to protect against infection, manage inflammation, and new cells to replace dead or broken skin. Learn more about zinc and its benefits.
  • Cationic Copper: Cooper enhances firmness, density, texture, and tone. Overall it improves the well-being of your skin. It helps to neutralize free radicals, strengthen and repair the skin, and reduce fine lines. It is an excellent component for anti-aging formulas. Keep an eye out for this mineral in creams, lotions, gels, and serums.
  • Cationic Magnesium: Another great property to combat aging. It soothes sun-damaged and irritated skin, hydrates it, and aids with hyperpigmentation. While it also improves the skin’s elasticity and minimizes inflammation. 
functions of skin repair creams
Skin Repair Creams

Four Important Functions of a skin repair creams 

Now, the good stuff, you learned about the damages, some treatments, and crucial ingredients to treat your skin. What does this all add up to?

To comprehend the abilities of a good skin repair cream and what it should cover to provide the healthy and beautiful skin you deserve. 

  • Repair the Skin's Cellular Membrane: An important layer that helps to protect the cells from harm and keeps them hydrated. When this layer is damaged, it can lead to dry, dull-looking skin. A skin repair lotion can help to repair the cellular membrane and improve the appearance of the skin.
  • Provide Healthy Skin Hydration: Hyaluronic acid and glycerin to the rescue! Remember, they both hydrate but serve different purposes. They could help to replenish lost moisture or provide a barrier that seals in moisture and prevents further dehydration.
  • Cell Renewal: Active ingredients help boost collagen production or promote cell turnover, establishing smoother, more youthful-looking skin.
  • Promote Elasticity and Skin Barrier: With all the chaos of the external world, to protect and maintain healthy skin, formulas with ingredients that promote support to the skin barrier and improve elasticity will have you feeling good about yourself. 

Here is the recap

skin repair creams
4 Amazing Functions of Skin Repair Creams 5

The skin is a vital organ of the body. Taking care of it can encourage your self-esteem and, most importantly, protect you from environmental stress. Sometimes extreme conditions or diseases can make the task harder, but not impossible, to get healthy-looking skin. 

Exploring the vast world of beauty products can be overwhelming, but understanding the purpose of key ingredients can help you navigate easily. 

Not all skin repair creams, serums, or lotions are the same. Do not get swayed by pretty labels or easy-access products like those of Korean skin care products. 

Search with care. After all, you will be nurturing your skin with it.

And remember, minerals like copper, magnesium, and zinc are top-priority ingredients that you should look for in the best repair skin care products.

So, look no further. Aetheion has the best facial creams available. Clinically proven, our products provide a mixture of natural, cruelty-free ingredients. 
Start by getting to know our AETHEION® ZC50 Cellular Support Cream!

Get Your Skin Repair Cream Today!

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