Go for Cruelty Free Cosmetics! - 4 Key Reasons

December 7, 2021
3 minutes

Go for Cruelty Free Cosmetics.

Cruelty free cosmetics
Go for Cruelty Free Cosmetics! - 4 Key Reasons 5

When it comes to animal testing cosmetics, the European Union has much stricter regulations than the United States. In Europe, it is illegal to test finished cosmetic products and ingredients on animals. The United States has no federal law against animal testing for cosmetics and only requires that cosmetic companies use non-animal alternatives when available. The Animal Welfare Act only regulates the transportation of animals. There are currently no regulations for the treatment of animals once they are inside a testing facility.

Animal testing cosmetics has been a hot debate in the animal rights community, and much activism has been done by animal rights advocates worldwide. In 2012, Mimi Bekhechi of PETA stated that "80 percent of the world still allows animal testing for cosmetics, and animal suffering is still completely legal in the United States."

At this time, animal testing is voluntary; there are no laws requiring animal experimentation. Even though animal rights activists have been trying to end animal testing for cosmetics since the 1970s, it has not stopped at all; animal testing is still allowed and done today. The FDA has not required animal testing for cosmetics since 1938.

Is there an alternative to animal testing?

Stop animal testing
Go for Cruelty Free Cosmetics! - 4 Key Reasons 6

There are now more than 1,500 ingredients that are already available and have been proven safe without the use of animals. So, why are animals still being used in these tests?

The cosmetics industry is a $50 billion dollar industry, and companies want to ensure their products are safe for their customers. The FDA requires that cosmetics are "safe" before they are sold to the public, so companies choose to test their products on animals.

Animal testing for cosmetics is unnecessary, cruel, and inhumane treatment of innocent creatures because there are humane alternative methods that could be used instead.

According to the Humane Society of the United States, "Alternative methods have been developed using human cells and tissues, that are more relevant to humans than animal tests. Different methods use tiny samples of human skin, blood, or hair to test for irritation, toxicity, and other safety concerns."

Animal rights advocates still think animal testing is cruel and inhumane, some animal rights advocates go as far as to say that animal testing for cosmetics should be considered animal abuse. Some animal rights groups are hoping eventually animal testing will become illegal throughout the world, so animals can no longer be used in experiments.

Here are some makeup brands that test on animals :

- Covergirl

- L'oreal

- Maybelline

- Revlon

- Estee Lauder

- Clinique

What You Can Do to Stop Animal Testing:

Alternative to animal testing
Go for Cruelty Free Cosmetics! - 4 Key Reasons 7

There are a few things you can do to help stop animal testing.

-Sign petitions: There are a number of online petitions urging cosmetics companies to go cruelty-free.

-Contact cosmetics companies: Let cosmetics companies know that you don't support animal testing. If animal testing is not needed to prove the safety of cosmetic products, tell them you would like animal testing in cosmetics to stop.

-Spread the word: Tell your friends and family about animal cruelty in cosmetic experiments. The more people who know how animals are suffering behind closed doors, the more people will demand animal testing in cosmetics end.

-Use your voice: Speak out against animal testing to companies, on social media, and to your friends and family.

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We as a brand are concerned about this situation, and we do not test our products on animals. Let us be the generation that ends with animal cruelty.


There is strength in numbers, and the more people who voice their concern about animal testing, the closer we are to ending it for good. Together, we can make a difference.

Animal testing has been used for decades, but the animal rights community says animal testing is cruel and inhumane. Is animal testing cruelty or just part of the game? Please share your thoughts below! Thank you for reading!

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