Copper and Zinc - Superoxide Dismutase

December 21, 2021
3 minutes

Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)

Superoxide dismutase, or SOD, is an enzyme that changes the superoxide O2- radical into ordinary molecular oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. The most common type of SOD in human plasma is Cu-Zn, the same as in bovine plasma.
Super Oxide Dismutase enzymes (SODs) act as powerful antioxidants. SODs protect cellular components from oxidizing by reactive oxygen species (ROS). A free radical or ROS is a superoxide molecular when O2 is reduced to O2-. These molecules absorb an excited electron released from compounds of the electron transport chain. SODs catalyze the production of O2 and H2O2 from superoxide (O2-).

superoxide dismutase ,copper and zinc,oxidative stress

What is Oxidative Damage

Oxidative damage is cell damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS). These species are molecules that contain oxygen and can cause damage to cells. This type of damage can lead to the development of diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease. Excessive ROS can lead to wrinkles, age spots, and other signs of aging in our skin.

Oxidative stress is when your body cannot eliminate the bad things that happen to it. It might happen when you drink too much alcohol, smoke cigarettes, or radiation exposure. It can also occur when your body has an infection, and your immune system works against it.

Oxidative stress also happens when you get older. As you get older, your body makes fewer antioxidant enzymes. In other words, antioxidants cannot fight the harmful molecules as well as they could when you were younger.

Numerous studies show a significant increase in oxidative damage with age and an associated decrease in endogenous antioxidant capacity. For example, superoxide dismutase (SOD), a major antioxidant enzyme, decreases by about 40% from the young to old age group.

Copper and Zinc SOD

Copper-Zinc SOD (CZ-SOD) is many tissues' most critical scavenger of cell-damaging free radicals. CZ-SOD is more efficient than manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD), a lipoprotein antioxidant found in cells' mitochondria. Intracellular copper levels also regulate the activity of CZ-SOD.

Studies have shown that CZ-SOD can protect cells from being damaged by ROS. Adding CZ-SOD to human cells protects them from ROS damage. In addition, CZ-SOD was also able to protect cells from the damage caused by oxidative stress. Discover more zinc benefits for the skin.

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AETHEION Natural Prevention

All AETHEION products contain the proprietary Redox Technology capable of simulating an ionic zinc and copper superoxide dismutase effect. Redox Technology reduces the skin's oxidation by transferring electrons from a radical state to a stress-free normal condition. Oxidative stress is a form of cellular aging. The high ORAC Value in AETHEION products scavenges ROS and other harmful free radicals.

superoxide dismutase ,copper and zinc,oxidative stress

AETHEION products are the only skincare line to offer this type of technology, which helps protect the skin from environmental stressors, including sun exposure and pollution. In addition, AETHEION's Redox Technology helps reverse some damage caused by the environment.
The best protection against oxidative damage is to provide the skin with optimal defense and preventative care. AETHEION products use Redox Technology to ensure healthy cells stay healthy and work properly. AETHEION is a cosmetic system of formulations that vary in use, purpose, concentrations, and blends of ionized minerals. The higher the number of AETHEION Redox Technology in each product, the greater the attention to redox potential it contains.

Give it a try today!

If you're looking for a skincare line to protect your skin from environmental stressors, try AETHEION. Our products contain Redox Technology, capable of simulating an ionic zinc and copper superoxide dismutase effect.

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