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5 Important Aging Skin Signs: Everything You Should Know

May 8, 2023
Est. Reading: 6 minutes
The golden years can be a time of freedom and exploration, but they can also involve physical changes like thinning hair, wrinkles, age spots, and other aging skin signs.  Let the years not cause you to view yourself as a stranger, learn how to prevent health damage and take action in vitalizing your skin.  What […]
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Is a Skin Cycling Routine Good For My Skin? 4 Easy Steps

April 17, 2023
Est. Reading: 4 minutes
A new trend is ahead and staying, skin cycling. A concept coined and demonstrated on Tiktok by dermatologist Dr. Whitney Bowe. A surfacing trend, but in actuality, it has been a practice used by professionals for many years.  But what is it, exactly? And Is skin cycling good for my skin? It is an easy-to-follow […]
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Benefits of Tea for Skin! Discover the 5 Marvelous Secrets

April 14, 2023
Est. Reading: 10 minutes
Spring calls for a relaxing time drinking tea, but have you ever wondered about the benefits of tea for skin?  Tea is the world's second most consumed beverage, surpassed by water. Originating from the Camellia sinensis plant, various harvesting and processing techniques yield diverse types of tea. Did you know that tea is a rich […]
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Treating Dry Skin: 9 Effortless Remedies

April 10, 2023
Est. Reading: 6 minutes
If you're suffering from dry skin, you're not alone. Treating dry skin is one of the most common skin concerns. And while there are several possible causes, from environmental factors to underlying medical conditions, the good news is that treatments can also help.  So if you're wondering why your skin is dry and what you […]
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How to Treat Turkey Neck - 3 Powerful Ways 

March 24, 2023
Est. Reading: 4 minutes
Aging can hit you like a bus; one morning, you wake up and notice the fine lines and wrinkles now forming on your face. For some, it could simply mean visiting a plastic surgeon, but most won’t undergo such a procedure. So, what is there to do?  While "turkey neck" may not be a medically […]
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Natural Exfoliating - 8 Impressive Ingredients

March 16, 2023
Est. Reading: 7 minutes
Natural exfoliating is another option to scrub dead skin cells and improve your skin’s complexion. In this reading session, learn what exfoliating means, tips, and other information to help you feel confident in doing natural exfoliation at home.  What does natural exfoliating mean? The human skin is an intricate organ with several layers. The outermost […]
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Dry Hands: 8 Easy Ways to Soothe & Heal

March 8, 2023
Est. Reading: 5 minutes
Hands are at the frontline of the action. For some, their profession requires constant exposure to harsh chemicals or excessive washing. Such practices affect the skin’s vitality in hands, leading to dryness and cracks, even painful experiences.  What can you do about it? Find the best hand cream for dry hands. Some might object and […]
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9 Astonishing Beauty Myths Debunked

March 1, 2023
Est. Reading: 4 minutes
Welcome to another session of dunking beauty myths to let the truth shine. If you are curious about our previous session, look into 20 Unbelievable Myths About Skincare.  Beauty Myths: Clear packaging doesn’t affect what’s inside a product.  Fact: The first truth is if the packaging exposes the insides to light and air, the active […]
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6 Great Ways to Care for Hair in Summer - Curly Hair Edition

February 14, 2023
Est. Reading: 5 minutes
Curly hair is beautiful and unique in all its shapes and forms. Taking care of it might be a complex task. Join this reading session to pick up some tips on care for hair in summer! A new year brings summer around, and curly hair in summer can be a buzzkill. Enjoy this article to […]
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